Our House Designs 2022 Catalog

OHD | Who We Are Our House Designs is a high-end Amer ican upholstery manufacturer that special izes in tradi t ional and transi t ional leather furni ture. OHD takes pr ide in creat ing a long- last ing, sustainable piece of furni ture that holds value and comfort for generat ions. Our team is part icular ly focused on the ergonomics of each seat so that we cont inue to l ive up to our reputat ion as the best seat in the house. We start our foundat ions using eight-way hand t ied sol id wood frames and f inish the pieces using premium leathers and fabr ics. Our bench made offer ings are composed by accompl ished craftsmen at our pr ivately owned North Carol ina factory using best pract ices and envi ronmental ly safe mater ials that meet or exceed al l Cal i fornia and USA compl iance requi rements and standards.